Tuesday, August 28, 2007


I went to Swim Labs the other day to have my stroke analyzed and it's official. I can't swim.
They put you in an endless pool with three different video cameras, one above the pool, one underwater from the front and the other from the side. You swim, they film and then they show you what you look like. I look pathetic. It was really evident when they showed the demo swimmer who has a perfect stroke. It's not like I can't swim, I did a 1500 open water swim in 23 minutes the other week. Compared to the swim model, I'm a thrashing, flailing mess.
At least I have things to work on now. The first things for me to correct are my head position (too high) and my pull (need to bend the elbow and drop the s-pattern). It was funny watching my stroke and talking to the coach. We both learned to swim back in the 70s and he commented that everyone from back then swam like that.

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