Tuesday, May 27, 2008

2008 Bolder Boulder

Memorial day dawned grey and dreary; it promised to be a good day for racing in the streets. The rain that woke me at 3 am had stopped leaving the streets wet and the sun hidden behind clouds.

I made good time getting ready and left with plenty of time to make the trip to Boulder. During the walk to the start line I saw the T-T group and saw Bob wearing his AG champ jersey from 2007. He went on to win his AG again this year.

I had plenty of time to get a good position in AA and lined up only a few people off the front. The wheelchairs started, A started and then I was off and running. You have to watch the pace the first kilometer since it's a slight downhill which combined with the enthusiasm of the start puts too many people out too fast. I held back a little letting the crowd settle down. The triathlete I met at the start left me behind even though he was trying for a time a minute slower than mine. I caught him around 4k and never saw him again.

I caught my friend Scott around 4k just like last year. Strange how I caught him both years around the same place. The rest of the race went pretty much according to plan, nice even splits, keeping focused on good form and good pacing. I finished in 39:09 which was good enough for 6th out of 388 in my AG and 429th of 48387 finishers overall.

After finishing the race, it started to drizzle a little which meant the trip to the post-race expo was quite short this year. No sense standing in the rain cooling down and catching a cold.

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