Monday, July 23, 2007

Buffalo 5k

Nothing like a 5k before your A-race to see how you legs feel. The Buffalo 5k is held in Grand Lake at 8400 feet with 125 feet of climbing. Even if you don't push it, you have trouble breathing with elevations like that.
I decided to run the race the day before with a goal of just having a good run and not pushing too hard. I let the start group take off since it was mostly high school kids who were all legs and no weight.
After an easy start, I began the steady climb to the turn around point. Most of the people who went out too fast faded on the climb and I was able to climb up the standing. The second half has a pretty steep and long climb which you just push through. Overall I was tenth and second in the 40 - 49 age group. Now I just have to hope I didn't push too hard with Boulder Peak tomorrow.

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