Monday, July 28, 2008

2008 Boulder Peak - The Run

Grab the hat, number belt and dash out of T2. It's early, the temp hasn't climbed much and it's time to put some time on the run and see if I can hold off the rest of the wave. I pass a few runners from the first two waves on the hill and when I head out on the first part of the dam, Brad catches and passes me. I know I can't match his speed over 10k so I'm content to let him go and hold my pass.

On the way to the turn around there aren't many people going out and fewer people coming back. I start to count runners to the turn and there are only fifteen people in front of me. I saw Brad and Ben so I know there are at least two people in my AG. I set my sights on Ben but it's a long way to go. Remembering the lessons of the Taos marathon, I know I don't have to catch him right away. Working consistently I slowly close on Ben and finally catch him on the north portion of the dam.

Knowing how I passed and couldn't escape from a runner last year, I settle in behind Ben for a little while to recover. I decide to use the last aid station to make my move and by quickly grabbing a cup I'm able to open a small gap but Ben is able to close the distance. I keep pushing hard on the last section of the dam until I can't hear Ben's footsteps. All I have to do is hold the pace to the downhill and I'm able to hold off Ben.

10k - 41:06. 6:38/mile

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