Saturday, April 28, 2012

Computrainer PIG 2 Wk 2 Endurance Session

How come the endurance session doesn't have a number like session 4 - endurance? How come the title is Road Ride but it says load the course of your choice? If it's a road ride, shouldn't you be riding outside on the road?

See what thoughts float through your mind after two plus hours on the Computrainer? If the weather was good, two hours on the road would be great but it's in the low forties with very gusty wind. Definitely a Computrainer day.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Computrainer PIG 2 Wk 2 S 1 - Not

This morning was supposed to be session 1 intervals for week 2 but a funny thing happened on the way to the workout. I guess running intervals on Wednesday and swimming intervals on Thursday left nothing for the legs on Friday. Funny how that works.

Not one to waste a set of wasted legs, I switched over to spin scan and worked on keeping the bar even and level.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Computrainer PIG 2 Wk 2 S2, 3 Tempo

I know session 1 is supposed to be done first, that's why it's session 1 and not session 4 but when you don't have enough time, you have to juggle the schedule or don't do anything. I was going to do session 1 on Tuesday but when I woke up, my head felt like I had been out drinking so instead of Miller Time, it was tempo time. Wednesday just didn't have enough time. Maybe Thursday or definitely Friday.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Computrainer PIG 2 Wk 1 S2, 3 Tempo

The first time I did the PIG training program, I wondered why each week had two tempo sessions. I still wonder since I never did figure it out. The only reason I could come up with was that they needed another workout and although tempo workouts are hard, they usually don't leave you dead for a few days.

Week 1 has two tempo workouts and they are very close. Both are forty-five minutes in duration with a watt difference of only fifteen watts. What that means is that if you can successfully complete session 2, session 3 will be easy.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Computrainer PIG 2 Wk 1 S1 Interval

Vizzini said if you got lost go back to the beginning so it's back to the PIG. The first triathlon is in about seven weeks so I figured that running the first five weeks of PIG with a couple of strategic recovery weeks would set me up just about right.

Instead of taking the CP30, I decided to use the final CP30 from the first PIG. The interval session was tough but I've been it through before so that helps with the confidence. It's like a race that you've ridden before, it allows you to focus on your effort.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Computrainer Weather

Just when you thought it was warm enough to ride outside, winter makes a return for the week-end. Highs in the 40s and rain mixed with snow. Looks like this will be a Computrainer weekend.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Computrainer and Spring

Spring has arrived early this year and it's tempting to start riding outdoors again. I'm going to keep riding the Computrainer during the week for a couple reasons. It lets me control my workouts and hit specific targets without having to worry about traffic, stop signs and pot holes. It also fits well in my schedule. The road will be used for the endurance rides on the weekends where time is more important than holding specific power outputs.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Computrainer - Mont Tremblant

Started riding the new Mont Tremblant course and it looks to be a fun course. A quick downhill near the start and then a couple steady climbs in the first ten miles.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Computrainer - Intervals

Finally feeling better but not perfect from my toothache, it's time to get back on the Computrainer. It's funny in a strange sort of way that my tooth feels better when I'm working hard and it really hurts when just sitting on the couch. I guess that means that exercise is better than sitting around.

This morning's workout was a shorter interval session since I'm still getting back into getting up early. I'm still suffering from a little medicine head which doesn't make getting up easy. The two main sets were five by sixty seconds at 325 with sixty recovery, five by forty-five at 350 with forty-five recovery.

I still haven't decided about the half marathon this weekend. I think I'll see how my head clears today before making a decision.